About Department The college MAIT was established in the year 1999 by MATES (Regd.). Initially there were three branches ECE, CSE & MAE, each with an intake of 60 students. As time progressed, the college shifted from Sultanpuri to its own building at Sector-22, Rohini, Delhi. In the year 2004, the department of EEE came into existence to cater to the requirement of Industries, both in the core sector and diverse fields where IT is used as tool. Initially the intake was 60 which got ameliorated to 120 students when GGSIPU sanctioned seats for running evening courses as well in the year 2010. Two years later, in the year 2012, an additional 60 seats for morning shift were subsequently appended on the basis of performance and infrastructure of the department by GGSIPU. This program aims at producing engineers with sound knowledge in electronics and a strong background in electrical by imparting quality teaching, carrying out research & technology development in frontier areas of electrical & electronics engineering. The major areas of faculty expertise of the department include power systems, power electronics, advanced control systems, power quality management, soft computing, electromagnetic field theory etc. All activities of EEE Department drives with the vision "To produce technically competent human resource for electrical and electronics industry with high moral and ethical values".