EEE DEPARTMENT Details for Annual Day 2018 1. List of faculty members who have completed Ph.D./ M.Tech in 2017 Ph.D. : Dr. L.P. Singh M.Tech. : NIL 2. List of faculty members pursuing Ph.D./ M.Tech Ph.D. (Seven) i) Ms. Lovely Goyal ii) Ms. Neelu Nagpal iii) Mr. S.K. Pandey iv) Ms. Neelam Kassarwani v) Mr. Ashok Goyal vi) Ms. Poonam Juneja vii) Ms. Monika Gupta M.Tech. : NIL 3. List of Non teaching staff members who have acquired new qualification in 2017 NIL 4. List of Seminars / Workshops organized by Department in 2017 i) An industrial visit to Panipat Thermal Power Station (a unit of HPGCL, Govt. of Haryana) was organized by EEE Department on 17th March 2017 for 6th Semester students. Total 92 students along with HOD (EEE) and faculty members visited the plant. ii) A 3-Day Industrial Training Workshop was organized by EEE Department on “SCADA, Renewable Energy and Smart Grid” in association with National Power Training Institute (NPTI) Faridabad under Skill Development Programme from 20-03-2017 to 22-03-2017 for the students of sixth Semester students, EEE. It was attended by 124 students and 21 faculties from the EEE Department. iii) Two Day workshop on Solar Technology was organized by EEE Department in the MAIT Campus during April 18-19, 2017. This workshop was conducted with the association of National Institute of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Govt. of India. iv) Two week FDP of ISTE STTP on Electric Power System during 22 June – 15 July, 2017 5. List of publications of faculty and students in 2017-18 National Conference International Conference National Journal International Journal Book Chapter Total Faculty – 8 – 20 – 28 Students – 7 – 5 – 12 6. Achievements of the Department Continuous winner of Gold Medal for getting first position in GGSIPU for last two years. 7. Special achievements of individual staff members Prof. G.K. Jindal published one book on Electrical Machines published through New Age Internal Publishers. Dr. Monika Gupta got IEEE outstanding branch counselor award 2017 for MAIT IEEE student branch from IEEE-Delhi Section. Dr. Monika Gupta was convener of a special session “Recent Trends in Soft Computing Technique and their Hybrids in Engineering Applications” in IEEE International Conference, 1-3 March 2017, at BVICAM, New Delhi. 8. Special achievements of individual students in EEE Branch Vasudha Pareek won Gold Medal in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Branch in GGSIPU. Dr. Rajveer Mittal HOD